Board of Adjustment

The Board of Adjustment shall have the power and duty to:

  1. Hear and decide appeals from any order, requirement, decision, or determination made by the Zoning Administrator in the enforcement of these regulations where it is alleged by the appellant that there is clear error in fact or law in such order, requirement, decision, or refusal made by the Zoning Administrator based on or made in the enforcement of these regulations;
  2. Hear and decide upon applications for use and area variances in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance;
  3. Hear and decide upon applications for legal non-conforming use;
  4. Undertake such other responsibilities as may be required by this Ordinance or by the Board of Aldermen.

Group Members

Patricia "Pat" Masterson
Term Expiring 2025

Lance Meerkatz
Term Expiring 2026

Bradley Bramell
Term Expiring 2027

Dan Cromer
Term Expiring 2028

Jeannette Hurst
Term Expiring 2029