- Distribute accounts payable report to the Board the first Board meeting of each month for
approval - Pay approved bills
- Submit checks for signatures
- Distribute monthly financial statement from CPA to Mayor and Board of Aldermen
- Reconcile accounts monthly with bank statements
- Back up QuickBooks at the beginning of each month and e-mail to CPA
- Make journal adjustments per CPA direction
- Verify time sheets bi-weekly for employees; prepare payroll checks bi-weekly
- Record water meter reads monthly
- Prepare and mail water/sewer bills monthly
- Post Payments in water program
- Prepare disconnect list on the first working day of each month to give to Water/Sewer
Superintendent for appropriate action - Inform Water/Sewer Superintendent when payment has been received from disconnected
water customer so that service can be reconnected
City Accountant / Assistant City Clerk
The City Accountant / Assistant City Clerk is responsible for the City's water/sewer billing program, maintaining the City's financial records, and assisting the City Clerk in daily routine duties.
Below are just a few of the responsibilities of the City Accountant / Assistant City Clerk:
Contact Info
Dana Aksamit
City Accountant / Assistant City Clerk
209 W Main St.
Cleveland, MO 64734